Madeleine Wickham

Note from Sophie

Before I was Sophie Kinsella, I was Madeleine Wickham. In fact, that’s my real name!

I started off my writing career with a series of novels which are rather different from my Sophie Kinsella books. They’re a bit more serious, a bit darker and are all ensemble pieces without a main heroine, but groups of characters whose lives interlink in some way. I loved writing them, and am very happy when readers write and tell me that they have enjoyed my ‘alter ago’.

If Muhammad won't come to the mountain, the mountain has to cancel all his plans and get on a plane.
Wedding Night
You fall in and out of love, but when you really love's forever.
Wedding Night
One thing: I can damn well wear lipstick.
Wedding Night
I love you Lottie, more than a Zloty.
Wedding Night
"If I'm the Queen of Overreaction, Mum is the Empress."
Finding Audrey
"I can feel his eyes on me all the time. Like sunshine."
Finding Audrey
“Honestly, shopping beats therapy, anytime. It costs the same and you get a dress out of it.”
Mini Shopaholic
“Never give up on something you really want. However impossible things seem, there's always a way.”
Mini Shopaholic
“Everyone knows the first rule of business is "Look good during confrontations." Or if it isn't, it should be.”
Shopaholic and Baby
“As I stare at it, I can feel little invisible strings,silently tugging me toward it. I have to touch it. I have to wear it. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.”