Sophie on… Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton: The princess bride
We live in a world of “now!” Easy credit, instant gratification, do it yesterday. Patience seems a virtue long forgotten. So feathery hats off to Kate Middleton and her measured, dignified bearing over the last eight years. As any young woman knows, it’s hard enough to strew off questions from friends and family members when one is in a relationship.
(“So? Any…news?”)
Imagine having to put up with it from the entire world. Once upon a time, potential princesses were born to the role, trained from birth and swapped among European states in a blue-blooded members’ only club. These days, royalty, like greatness, can be thrust upon you as a result of simply chatting up that handsome chap at the university bar.
Somehow, Kate Middleton, from a relatively normal family, has handled it all beautifully. She and William must know each other well by now, and they must feel confident that their marriage will work. I hope the joy is all the sweeter for her after such a patient wait.
Column by Sophie Kinsella in Parade Magazine